*ASSOCIATION OF ACADEMIC PROFESSIONALS (League of Old Isu Professionals)**___2023 MEDICAL MISSION (MM4):**___Education Trust Fund “Edu-Aid”**
A SUMMARY* Medical Mission 4 (MM4) held between 27 and 28 December 2023League of Old Isu Professionals ably led by the affectionate Dr Randie Dikeukwu as the Ambassador General continues to bring home in practice the tradition initiated even before human’s literate dispensation; the ants tradition; the tradition of thinking home.
The League in its “think-home” model fashioned after the ants colony, a pattern that sees all the ants journey abroad every other season; toiling, labouring, hacking, gathering, picking…everything of importance, then face homeward to deliver to those who they believed are hampered by fate that, they believed, is not of their making. Without defending ineptitude, there is a fate that insists that as long as the it rains and shines some living beings must remain dependent on the benevolence of others.
It is also of the above nature and character that the Igbo of all generations have examined with amazement and came up with the axiom of “akụ ruo ụlọ”, it is in the temper and spirit of akụ ruo ụlọ that ndị na Eliligbaraọgụ of all gender have continued, through its well fashioned League of Old Isu Professionals to always give back home. This is true, a feeling is most evident when one takes a thoughtful look at an ancient tree, the first thing one notices is that the branches usually grow bigger, healthier , stronger and better nourished more than the source of nutriments; its root. But the branches, for good, do not behave like the nwanza who calls out his chi for wrestling bout after being fed large by the mother. These branches, sons and daughters of Isu Ancient Kingdom characteristically look back to the root to succour it so that the root remains the source of life.
It is in this ardour of spirit and benevolence that members of League of Old Isu Professionals in communion with men and women of goodwill donated robustly to MM4. These sons and daughters of Isu na Eliligbaraọgụ are mostly based in townships and cities and countries far from home and have continued to pull this remarkable project, sometimes with financial assistance of friends who are not of Isu na Eliligbaraọgụ origin. But even while the financiers of the League live far away, their alulo never stops calling them home, since where one’s alulo is buried is believed to be, in Igbo’s worldview, where one’s life emanates. Ndị Isu na Eliligbaraogu continue to show in action that home is bliss by providing free medical treatment to the people at home.
It shall not go without mentioning that among donors to the Medical Mission individuals some individuals stand out. In no particular order, these individuals include Dr Randie Dikeukwu, High Chief Michael Onuoha, Akano Foundation, Dr Kennedy Iwundu, Hon. Ugonna Ozurigbo, Ezedike Foundation, Hon Amara Chyna Iwuanyanwu, Chief Aloysius Osuji, Barr Emeka Duruakụ etc.
Medical Mission 4 (MM4) 2023 happened in two locations: Isu High School, Isu served for general treatments like eye tests, dental treatment, blood pressure and sugar level tests, prescriptions and distributions of drugs etc. At Isu High School, Isu venue, these personnels handled the following concerns:Dr. Amauche Osunwoke (London) Coordinated the Medical Mission..Dr Chigozie Chukwuoha –Head of Optometry and Eye Section.Dr Nnaji Theresa Nneka —Head of Dental SectionTech. Nnawụihe Angela —Lab Scientist-Head of Laboratory ServicesFarm. Uchenna Mmadụmere (Pharmacist) Head of Pharmacy and General drugs Section.Dr. Anthony Diogu-Head of General Surgery Section…and other sub professionals and teams too numerous to mention who worked under the leads.
Health Centre Ụmụọzụ served special needs like surgeries such as appendicitis, hernia, tumor etc. The surgeries were conducted by lead Dr Anthony Diọgụ Chidị and assisted by Dr Nnọzụba and others.Of various activities of the League of Old Isu Professionals in the year 2023, its medical mission stands out as a signature achievement.In it, over eight hundred people received free medical treatment according to their medical needs.Medical Mission 4 (MM4) was in continuation of the three previous editions.
People of Isu na Eliligbaraogu were saved in free medical treatment a whooping sum of thirty million naira (N30,0000).In furtherance of “think home” initiative of the League, in the year 2023, The League officially launched its *Education Trust Fund codenamed ‘Edu-Aid’*. Edu-Aid as the name suggests is a fund established to support bright sons and daughters of Isu na Eliligbaraọgụ who have the dream of educational pursuit but are hampered by financial constraints. This fund seeks to support such individuals with major financial needs to ensure that they receive the education of their dreams. In its launching, the Education Trust Fund got an instant boost by the generous donation of two million naira (N2,000000) by Dr Randie Dikeukwu while other passionate indigenes of Isu na Eliligbaraọgụ took it up from there and got the fund to four million naira (in pledge).
According to the Ambassador General-Dr. Randie Dikeukwu, “the Edu-Aid has come to stay. Money will never again stop our bright children from furthering their education. That is what the Edu-Aid is all about. To support those who sincerely wish to have a better education.”The Education Trust Fund to the people of Isu na Eliligbaraọgụ is like a cold water upon a scorching throat; reinvigorating and enlivening.Chukwuebuka Amaechi(PRO2, On behalf of the League)